Vidyo Endpoints Minimum and Latest Versions Table

Luigi Astorri -

The table below lists the minimum version and latest version of each Vidyo endpoints.


IMPORTANT: If you are using a version that is older than the minimum version listed in the table, you must upgrade. Older versions:

  • Will no longer be compatible with Vidyo infrastructure components.
  • May not connect correctly to video conferences.
  • Will cause you to experience degraded audio or video quality during conferences.

Cloud and Hybrid Customers: As long as you regularly log into your application, Vidyo will automatically update your tenant with the latest software. If you do not log in, your applications will not automatically upgrade to the latest version. 

If you are a cloud guest user, all you need to do to join a meeting is to click a meeting link. If you do not already have the client, you may choose to install it by downloading the application.  When you open the application, you will automatically join the call. Alternatively, first-time users can download VidyoConnect™ from your Portal URL.

On-Premises Customers: You can download the software below using the links provided in the Notes column or by accessing the articles in the Downloads section of the Vidyo Help Center. Login is required to access the download packages from the Downloads section.

Vidyo Endpoints Minimum and Latest Versions Table for Cloud Customers

Endpoint Minimum 
Vidyo Product
VidyoConnect for Desktop   17.1.1  18.5.1 To access the latest VidyoConnect for Desktop software, go to the VidyoConnect for Desktop article. 
VidyoConnect for Mobile 17.1.1 18.3.0 To access the latest VidyoConnect for Mobile software, download the VidyoConnect for Mobile app from the Google Play™ Store or the Apple® App Store.
VidyoDesktop™ 3.6.13 3.6.16

Vidyo highly recommends you transition to VidyoConnect

To access the latest VidyoDesktop software, go to the VidyoDesktop and VidyoWeb Packages article.

VidyoDesktop Linux® on VidyoCloud™ This product is no longer supported. This product is no longer supported. Vidyo recommends using WebRTC to connect to Vidyo meetings with the simplicity and convenience of a browser. For more information refer to this quick reference card
Vidyo Extension for Google Chrome™ All versions are 
2.2.1 N/A
Vidyo Extension for Microsoft Outlook® This product is no longer supported. This product is no longer supported. Vidyo recommends moving to the Vidyo Outlook Add-in. 
Vidyo Outlook Add-in 17.3.0 17.3.0 To find out more on the Vidyo Outlook Add-in, please refer to  this article.
VidyoMobile™ for Android™  2.5.3  2.5.3 To access the latest VidyoMobile for Android software, download the VidyoMobile for Android app from the Google Play Store.
VidyoMobile for iOS 2.3.0 2.4.4 To access the latest VidyoMobile for iOS software, download the VidyoMobile for iOS app from the Apple® App Store  



To access the latest VidyoRoom software, go to the VidyoRoom Packages article. 
VidyoSlate™ for Mobile

This product is no longer supported.

This product is no longer supported.

Vidyo recommends using VidyoConnect™ version 18.1.0 with the Whiteboard feature  

1.3.16 or later


To access the latest VidyoWeb software, go to the VidyoWeb Downloads article.
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