Fixed: Guest Links no longer opening VidyoDesktop™ on Firefox® 51 and Windows® OS

Luigi Astorri -

In Mozilla® Firefox® update 51, functionality of the VidyoDesktop™ guest links on Windows® is impaired while in mixed security mode.

Problem Scenario:

  • If VidyoDesktop is open and you click on a Vidyo guest link using Mozilla Firefox 51, the browser will show "connecting", however it will never actually transition to VidyoDesktop (where you would be prompted to enter your name). 

Mozilla® has released a temporary fix in the form of an add-on.  To ensure your browser obtains this add-on update, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Ensure you are on Firefox® version 51.0.1.
  2. Enable this setting: Menu > Options > Advanced > Automatically install updates.
  3. Reboot your machine.

---How to confirm if the add-on has been applied:

Open Firefox® and type the following into the address bar and press enter:  about:support

In the “Extensions” section, you should see “Send HSTS Priming Requests” in the list.

(This add-on will not be required for the next release of Firefox®)


If the steps above do not fix the isssue, please follow these steps: 

  1. Launch Mozilla FireFox. 
  2. Type "about:config" in the address bar and hit enter. 
  3. Accept the security prompt. 
  4. Search for "security.mixed_content.send_hsts_priming" 
  5. Ensure that the value is set to "false".
    If it is set to "true", double-click to change the value to "false".
  6. Restart Firefox.
  7. Try the guest link again.
    It should function as expected.
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