Guest Links no longer opening VidyoDesktop on FireFox 51 and Windows OS

Luigi Astorri -

In the latest Mozilla FireFox update 51, functionality of the VidyoDesktop Guest Links on Windows is impaired while in mixed security mode.

 Problematic Scenario:

  • You click on a Vidyo Guest link using Mozilla FireFox 51 (while having Vidyo Desktop open) and the browser shows "connecting" but never actually transitions to Vidyo Desktop (where you are prompted to enter your name). 


Currently this issue is being investigated on Mozilla's end and has been confirmed that this issue seems to only affect Windows users. As a workaround, you can attempt the following steps below. 

Work Around:

  • Launch Mozilla FireFox 
  • Type in "about:config" in the URL field 
  • Accept the security prompt 
  • Search for "Security.mixed" 
  • Ensure that the following value is set to "false" (If this is set to "true" please double click as this will change the value to "false" 
  • Try the guest link again as it should function as expected.
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